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Trường cao đẳng du lịch Đà Nẵng

Flowers arrangement and culinary arts contest

Ngày cập nhật: Thứ năm, 19/09/2019

To mark International Women's Day, on August 3, 2019, Danang Tourism College held flower arrangement and culinary arts contest with the theme: "DVTC Union members are good at both the national (official) work and the housework".
At the beginning days of March, the sunshine spreads all the roads. In that warm weather, DVTC's Union held flower arrangement and culinary arts contest with the theme "Union members are good at both the national work and the housework" to mark the 1979 anniversary of the two Trung sisters’ uprising and the 109th anniversary of the International Women’s Day. The event was attended by the school's Board of directors, all the teachers, especially more than 50 women union members.
This is an event to honor and show deep gratitude to women, mothers, sisters for their great contributions to the national construction and family life, especially female teachers and staffs for their dedication to the school's career.
Besides, the contest also aims to strengthen solidarity, as well as the chance to participate, learn, experience exchange and propagate the content and meaning of international women's day. Thereby, it also helps raise women's awareness of ethnic traditions, roles, and values of women in life. Moreover, the contest is where the men in DVTC showed their talent, ingenuity, enthusiasm as well as their creativity in cooking.
Intermediately after the flower arrangement and culinary arts contest, the 4 Union teams embarked on their work with an exciting, engrossed and happy spirit.
The whole view of flower arrangement and culinary arts contest with the theme "Union members are good both at the national work and the housework ".
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The 2 Union team participating in the flower arrangement contest with the topic: "Forever youth"
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The 3 Union team participating in the flower arrangement contest with the topic: "Danang Tourism College develops"
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The 1 Union team participating in the flower arrangement contest with the topic: "Vietnam Charming"
The pictures of teams are participating in the culinary arts contest
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Teams finished their flower baskets and meal trays, after 90 minutes of creating "artworks". There are many visitors at the contest, and they are attracted by unique creativity and beautiful presentation of teams. It could prove that DVTC members are very skillful.
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The judges are making their deliberation.
The judges selected and gave out prizes as follows:
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First prize: - The 4 Union team with the topic: "Cherished love"
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Second prize: - The 3 Union team with the topic: "Reunion meals"
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Third prize: - The 1 and 2 Union team with the topic: "Connection" and "Five spices"
Some pictures at the contest:
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The International Women's Day Celebration Contest - March 8, 2019 – finished successfully, see all Union members of DVTC again next year.

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